Brother Johnathan Jones

Bro. Johnathan Jones is honored and blessed to have a call of ministry and a burden for the youth in his life. He has been ministering since 2008 and servicing the youth in many capacities since 2005. It is an honor for him to serve as the Youth Leader, Missionary Contact, and Support Minister to Pastor Joseph Hamid at Believers Tabernacle. He is married to Sis. Carol and has three Children: Elizabeth, Laura, Tabitha and one son in law, Nathaniel Elrod (married to Elizabeth).
Sister Kristy Garrett

Sister Kristy Garrett have a love and passion for the little ones and to help them learn about Jesus Christ. She has worked several years as a Mother’s day out teacher and now happy to use her experience and skills to teach the 3-6 years old Sunday School class. She is married to Bro. Matt and have two children and one daughter in law. Kyle and Makayla and son Kasey.
Sister Amber Golden

Sister Amber teaches the 7–12-year-old Sunday school class. Amber enjoys teaching Bible study lessons to help the children learn how to apply the Word of God to their personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. She is married to Brother Jesse and has one daughter, Anora.
Sister Carol Jones

Sister Carol assists in helping the Sunday school teachers with their lessons and fills in as a substitute any time that she is needed. She is honored and happy to service the youth in any capacity. She also helps with youth activities and loves to interact with all the age groups. She is married to Brother Johnathan and together they have three daughters and a son in law.
Sister Kaylee Younce

Sister Kaylee serves as a substitute teacher and is thrilled to use her passion for teaching in such a meaningful way. She is married to Brother Koby and has one Daughter, Parker.
Brother Matt Garrett

Brother Matt Garrett have a natural gift to sing and loves the young people. He has contributed his gift to lead the youth choir here at BT. He also helps with the youth activities, along with being available to assist the trustees with our church property developments and maintenance. He is married to Sister Kristy and have two children and one daughter in law. Kyle and Makayla and son Kasey.
Sister Audrey Hershberger

Sister Audrey is our Children’s Choir director and assists with various youth group activities. She also serves as a substitute, playing the piano and organ. She is married to Brother Chris and has two Children, Abigail and Jacob.
Our Youth staff is wonderful with the Youth and Children. They are dedicated and loving and we’re grateful for their compassion, patience, creativity, and time.